#performance #immersive #sitespecific

Care is a site-specific performance, presented during the CIPAF Festival at Kokkinogia mine in Cyprus. Nestled within a scenic yet decayed landscape, the abandoned mine provided a hauntingly beautiful backdrop for this thought-provoking piece. The Kokkinogia mine, with its crumbling industrial structures, pools of toxic water, and scattered rusty tools, set the stage for an exploration of the intertwining relationships between humans and their environment. The Olga Kozmanidze utilized these found objects, including a long, rusted saw discovered on-site, to deepen the engagement with the space.

The performance invited participants to collectively explore gestures of care, reflecting a posthuman condition where the boundaries between humans and their environment blur. In a powerful act of intimacy and connection, Kozmanidze and the audience gathered by one of the toxic pools, taking turns combing one another’s hair with the rusted saw. This simple, yet profound action symbolized the mutual care for each other and the ravaged landscape. Through "Care," Kozmanidze transforms the site into a space of communal reflection and tenderness, challenging the audience to reconsider their relationship with the environment and each other.

The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible.
ph: Skevi Laou